an Impressive AI Tool

A close-up of a person's hands typing on a laptop keyboard with a blurred computer monitor in the background.

by: Patricia


I’ve worked with ChatGPT and Divi AI. I like both, but use Chatgpt because it’s free. That was until yesterday after watching a webinar on After the first ten minutes, I was hooked. After, thirty-five minutes I purchased the plugin.

I’m terrible with alt-text descriptions on images. I was never sure how much information I was supposed to add. Many times, I never even bothered to put anything there. After installing, the first thing I did was use it on all of the images in my Media Library. Within forty-five minutes to an hour, eighty images had proper alt-text descriptions.

Bonus: now when images are uploaded, alt-text descriptions are automatically added.

Next, I let tackle the SEO on my latest blog post. Again, I was amazed at what she, came up with. The best way to think about is as your copilot. What a copilot she is. With the suggestions, I got on how SEO titles and meta descriptions could be written, I started to see mistakes that I had been making. Most often, I just used the title of the article and some excerpts from the blog post.

The three paragraphs above were written by me. Then I ran them through, here is the rewrite:

Many people overlook the importance of alt-text descriptions for images, but they’re crucial not only for accessibility purposes but also for improving SEO. Filling in these details can be a meticulous task, which is why using makes such a difference. In less than an hour, I managed to add proper alt-text to eighty images—something that might have taken me much longer or perhaps never got done at all. Automating the addition of alt-text descriptions not only saves time but also ensures that all images are accessible and SEO-friendly right from the start.

But doesn’t just stop at images; it’s a powerhouse for optimizing your content across the board. When I turned to it for help with the SEO on my latest blog post, the results were immediate and impressive. Viewing as your copilot makes perfect sense because of how it complements your work and enhances it. The recommendations for SEO titles and meta descriptions were eye-opening. I began to recognize and correct common mistakes, like simply using the article’s title and some excerpts for meta descriptions.

The only correction to the generated text was changing “you” to either “I”, “my” or “me”.

I have much more to learn about what can do. But for just $10.00 a month or $96.00 a year, you’re getting a tool that not only saves you time but also enhances your content quality and SEO effectiveness.


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