The Process for “Website in a Week”


I have a simple form I’d like for you to fill out before we speak. Your answers help me tremendously in knowing what questions to ask you, and in turn what questions you may have for me. This way we get the most out of our 30-minute strategy session.

By video, we go over your desires and wishes for your website. I want to find out the best possible way to bring your message to your audience. If this is a rebuild of your current website then we will discuss what should be kept and what shouldn’t.

Ready with your content and images in hand I go to work designing your website. Once the design process starts, you will be provided a link to see the progress. At pre-determined times, we will chat during the design period to go over changes and additions you’d like.

On the morning of the fifth day, we schedule a conference and review the entire website one last time. After everything is agreed upon, your new custom-designed website will be launched.