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Rejection – how it’s delivered matters

Rejection – how it’s delivered matters

Rejection is something no one likes. Sometimes it stings and other times the comments are good for reflection. Could your work or performance have been better? With one group of people, you get awards, with another, they leave you feeling that perhaps you should...

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The Basics: Part One – How Color Can Work for You

The Basics: Part One – How Color Can Work for You

The BasicsNo matter what color you chose, every color begins with the use of the color wheel. Created by Isaac Newton in 1666 the color wheel, even with all of its transformations is still the main tool today for selecting the correct color(s) for any project. How do...

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An image is worth a 1,000 words; or is it?

An image is worth a 1,000 words; or is it?

An image; how many times have you heard that it speaks louder than words? In most cases that’s true, but what happens when it’s not? When your client sends you an image that they firmly believe is, “Just what we need for the website,” and all you want to say is,...

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Divi vs. Elementor and GeneratePress

Divi vs. Elementor and GeneratePress

I have been using Divi by Elegant Themes since late 2014. During that time I have developed approximately 80 websites, as well as developed and sold child themes. Last year, I authored the book “Dos and Dont’s + 30 + Divi CSS Snippets + Manually Moving WordPress.” I’m...

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