Website Design, Wordpress Design |
This has been a conundrum for me since I started designing websites twenty years ago. On one hand, I liken it to how I feel about car dealerships who paste their logo on the back of your beautiful new car. Who gave them the right to do that? Didn’t you pay them for...
General, Wordpress Design |
My website designs are known for being well thought out and easy to navigate. One of the first steps I took in achieving this was to get rid of the sidebar. At first, not everyone understood my logic, that was until smartphones and tablets became the main devices for...
General, Website Design, Wordpress Design |
ADA accessibility (Americans with Disabilities Act), we’ve all heard about it, and most of us have probably thought about it, but how many of us have actually done something about it? After a quick search through a number of websites from medium and small...
Branding, Website Design, Wordpress Design |
You’re finally ready to start your new business idea. You have everything in order, but money is tight. Having gone over and over the budget you keep trying to find somewhere to cut back. While discussing it with friends, someone speaks up and says, “Just do a...
General, Wordpress Design |
I have been using Divi by Elegant Themes since late 2014. During that time I have developed approximately 80 websites, as well as developed and sold child themes. Last year, I authored the book “Dos and Dont’s + 30 + Divi CSS Snippets + Manually Moving WordPress.” I’m...