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Great, this WordPress theme comes with everything I need!
Or does it really? A few weeks ago I wrote about taking over the maintenance of a WordPress website and how in my initial review, I found numerous problems. I now know how the problems started, a WordPress theme that had everything included. Or so the...
What do you really know about the company you are purchasing your website maintenance from or design for that matter?
I’m taking over the maintenance on a website that hasn’t been updated, in, I don’t know how long. When I first logged into the Dashboard area, I found there were twenty-one plugins and a theme that needed to be updated. I do know that has been at least four months...
One-page or a multi-page website? Which is best for you?
After suggesting a one-page website to a potential client, the response was, “A one-page website? What can I possibly accomplish with that?” I explained that since there was only minimal content, it would be more beneficial than a multi-page website, “You...
Inspiration; where do you find it when designing a logo?
Inspiration; where do you find it when a client comes to you for a new logo design is a question I’m often asked. When I first speak with a client regarding a new logo design, I ask them two questions: What are your favorite colors? Do you have an icon idea that you...
Word is not a typewriter; nor is it a design program!
Recently, I went round and round with a client on why she shouldn't use Word to layout a book she was independently publishing. A member of her family had worked on it with her using Word for the layout and design. When he finished, he prepared a PDF...
All for the love of beautiful fonts
I've always wanted to design a font set. Today I read about a challenge on Instagram called "My Beautiful Alphabet (#mybeautifulalphabet)." The goal is to design a font for each letter of the alphabet for the next 26 weeks. The font can be drawn by hand,...
No, You Don’t Look Cool Smoking!
Of all the important dates in my life that I can’t remember, this is one I’ve never forgotten, May 24, 1982, the day I quit smoking. I had taken a job where there was an absolute no questions asked no smoking policy. I wasn't even allowed to become one of...
Four Questions to Ask When Someone Is Designing a Logo for You
Will the logo be unique – Copycat logos will only fail and be confusing to your clients and or customers. A unique logo design will stand the test of time. A logo that is designed with today’s latest trends will quickly look dated and need to be replaced....